Sanlida Dragon X8
quick preview by BushCampingTools
There are many now who have posted about the Sanlida DragonX8 hunting compound bow and most reports, in fact I couldn't find one negative report on this bow model, so for me this means that the product has been properly tested at least for me to have a look at it and put in my ten cents worth. Ok so after waiting for about 2 weeks after i ordered mine (delayed shipping), the Bow shop spent some time with me outfitting and then tuning it up until they were satisfied. Their experience told them, about 1000 shots and bring it back to check the string length etc and the cam alignments/timing for a possible re tuning.
This model is the 0-60lb version (no way could I ever envisage pulling back 70lbs of Hunting bow string, super let off or not!.
The construction looks pretty damn good and I guess that's why I got one. Made in China by a renown bow making factory, using all of the modern equipment like anyone else, ie made by machines and CNC mills.
(courtesy of Sanlida)
Limb manufacturing (courtesy of Sanlida)
Spray booths? (courtesy of Sanlida)
CNC milling stations (courtesy of Sanlida)
I looked carefully at all of the parts, including the sights , bolts, tapped holes, was there grease where there should be grease? YES, were the holes tapped well, yes of course because it's done by a CNC machine. How about the paint job? Was it even? Yes indeed.In fact there is no earthly reason why this bow can't be any good is there? Unless for some strange reason the limb materials are crap? I doubt it, it comes with a warranty etc.
UV lit target sight. it works fairly well and is pretty fluorescent. (seen here switched off) and below, switched onUV LED seen to the right and the bubble level fluid is also fluorescing, along with the sight markers. it actually looks much more fluorescent to the naked eye than the camera sensor1
CNC machined T6061 cams, the company specs just say Al riser, so that means its cast. Nothing wrong with that and it keeps the price down compared with CNC machined risers. To be honest they both scratch up the same LOL!60 to designate these are the 60lb limbs as it comes in 70lb limbs/draw weight as well.Limb bolts were greasedNot over the top with the product branding, the Sanlida Dragon X 8 is available in Camouflage or Black, the bow shop told me the black is better as it's a better paint job. Who knows? (they have sold a lot of them, so they should know right? Anyway my trusty old BEAR is black and it never stopped me bagging any game. it's not the funky colors which do the shooting.
CNC machined T6061 cams, Al riser (cast) fibreglass? carbon string stop posts; ball bearings on the axels.
70-80% let off and it does fell like you are holding nothing.
it's not a particularly heavy bow at 3.8lb,s ie 1.72kg, LOL it's nothing really.
The limb bolts go straight into a tapped riser and this is one reason why it's a cheaper bow, the bolt threads if not properly cared for can damage the riser and render the bow unusable. But on saying this my BEAR is made exactly the same and once set one is usually never winding the limbs in and out. i will put a small piece of tape over the thread sights in the riser to stop dust or dirt contaminating the grease. In fact one can see a small ledge surrounding the window as if there could be some like rubber plugs to install there to do the same job but there weren't.

30" axel to axel, so compared to my old BEAR, it's short but that's better for moving around the bush too LOL..
310fps (probably wound up to 60lbs)
Draw length 18-31"
mine is set up at 28", may need redoing???
The crazy thing is that it comes with a sling (nylon cordage and a piece of thick real leather),
a rubber stabiliser, a UV illuminated sight (came with battery),

Accurate and well-defined graduated markings, no sloppy threading.
tooth brush arrow rest, peep sight,
and a wrench set. Now all of u Europeans maybe saying I don't need a wrench set, well let me tell you, the allen bolts are all Imperial USA, not metric as the bow market is indeed in the USA, so don't lose your allen key wrenches, sometimes dependent upon which European/Australia etc. country and what town, it can be hard to get USA imperial wrenches, trust me, especially when you need them!I'll be testing it out with some carbon 0.500" Savage Skylon arrows, 6.5 grains per inch.
it's a funky looking and sort of Alien-esque riser and I know this sounds stupid but people do buy bows on what the product also looks like, so if the riser looks like some tangled piece of metal then there is a good chance it won't be a good seller, even if it shots like no tomorrow.
One final thought, for a 28" draw length we did have to use a press as the bolt was occluded but anything else probably isn't going to be a problem without a press and or course to tune the cams a press is needed. hence I had the bow tuned in the shop whilst I waited.
Why does the Dragon X8 seem to cost so little?
They use a cheap string and cabling. Cheap as in it could be thicker and more abrasion resistant.
The limb bolts are threaded directly into the riser without the use of stainless steel thread inserts or the use of a separate opposing nut within the riser (eg as in the Emperor model). What this means is if one damages the threads within the riser the bow essentially becomes useless.
The riser grip is just "bare bones", ie no fancy wooden inserts etc.
The riser is cast aluminium and not CNC machined from a single billet. What this means is that aesthetically, it doesn't look as cool as full CNC milled riser; it may not be a strong as a fully CNCed riser (only if you are going to use your riser as a club to bludgeon to death a charing water buffalo!)
The bow is manufactured by a company wanting to deliver good value for money and it is a Chinese brand, not a foreign brand making bows in China, the latter is a completely different kettle of fish as far a QC goes IMHO.
What makes this bow so good?
They use bearings on the cam axel shafts. Even the equivalent poundage late model PSE does not feature this and the bow is a much greater price! The use of bearings can only make for a smoother movement of the cams and increase the longevity of the system overall.
The power and speed is as good as any USA branded bow in the same class.
The bow once tuned properly is essentially vibration free (it was in my hands anyway).
The Dragon X8 can be "pimped out" by putting a better string on the bow and better cabling that will last longer. One can also fit better sights, arrow rests etc etc.
One can also apply some "grip tape" or bicycle handle bar tape (the stuff which road cyclists apply to their bars to increase grip and handleability/comfort and or tennis racquet grip tape application for the same reasons. This simple custom addition will indeed provide some good insulation during shooting in cold weather.
I need to get used to it and as soon as i do, it will be going out for something different.
OK stick around for the field shoot out coming soon on BCT!!
You can also see the DragonX8 here:and see the latest specifications