Monday 20 November 2017

When the Shit Hits the fan

My ONTOS with my version of what I need to take with me if in a hurry to leave the house. I don't need to take the "kitchen sink" with me

See above items listed below
I'm not a "PREPPER" however, I do think one should be prepared to be able to leave ones house in a hurry if you have to. What do I mean by this? Well in the first instance, let's say you need to evacuate the area you live in. It's late at night, you were unexpectedly awoken from some crazy dream to find yourself immersed in a real crazy situation. The last thing you want to have to do is to rummage around trying to find a flashlight/torch etc because, hey guess what there is no power when you hit the switches.

So I keep a few items all together in a known place accessible by all family members.

A big very sharp knife, a rugged and field tested (by me) tactical, bash proof torch which uses Lion batteries which have a very very long shelf life (several years), they will even perform at very very low temperatures. I carry a spare of one of these batteries in a splash/water resistant-proof container (better if waterproof) along with this torch (which BTW has an SOS flashing signal mode too). In the same small Molle pouch there is a fire steel, and a small plastic bag of first strike reliable tinder material. The only other item is a diamond file to keep that blade sharp if need be.

The passports are also not lost in the house so they can also be quickly mobilized if necessary.

The car is always kept gassed up and ready to roll. Car keys and house keys not kept under a pile of cloths.

All of this is common sense, just like one should indeed keep a flashlight ready to hand in case of blackouts/power failures. The addition of a cutting tool and some way to make a fire simply adds a bit more feeling of security without having to "overdue" it. The key is to be able to move fast, not spend hours getting out of the house.

Don't forget the wallet too!


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