Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Why is the head of the New Extrema Ratio Breeching Axe shaped like it is?

 Why is the head of the New Extrema Ratio Breeching Axe shaped like it is?

The heads of breeching axes are generally of one type, ie modelled around some sort of traditional tomahawk and or regular axe. This means that for most of these heads, the cutting surface is rounded (convex). 

As far as the most efficient penetrative action goes:.....

In fact, the better cutting surface for the best penetration into steel sheeting will be the head design of the Extrema Ratio breeching Axe/tool. 

WHY? Because the first point of impact will be the apex of the two intersecting "straight blade" surfaces. At this point we have P=F/A, where P=pressure and F= force and A is of course equal to the "area". Thus from simple physics we can see that at an extremely small point, massive pressure will be developed upon impact. 

This will aid the penetration of the axe head into anything it contacts. The same principal is in affect for how arrowheads/spears penetrate objects.

Stay tuned for more on this subject......


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